Shimi McKenzie
Shimi McKenzie
artist statement
Shimi Mackenzie’s handmade artisan journals are inspired by different binding methods from across the world. Her newest series of books was designed with nature journalists in mind. They are small enough to tuck into a bag, have a simple clasp, lay flat, and have fewer pages. There is also a pocket for keepsakes or important papers. The mixed media paper inside is suitable for pen, ink, colored pencil, and light applications of watercolor.
Every journal is one of a kind spanning a variety of themes and uses.
Shimi is also a watercolor artist and a member of the Montana Watercolor Society. Her first experience with watercolor was through receiving a set of paints for Christmas. Having grown up on a ranch, horses and other farm animals were an obvious choice for subject matter. After finding a mentor, Shimi’s skills soared to greater heights and she was able to find her pride as an artist.