Kim Phillips
Pastel Artist
Bitterroot River
Rain Shower Over Blodgett
Ann in her Element
Patterns in nature light up something in Kim, it’s like her mind’s eye looks at nature and sees how to perfectly frame the picture.
Often, the subjects aren't the grand scenes, but more out-of-the-way ones in which a moment's convergence of atmospheric factors creates a mood. Whether high-contrast or subtle and veiled, the viewer will probably be familiar with many of the scenes and have their own feelings associated with them. The high country of our mountain west has been an especially treasured space to be, away from busyness, with time to reflect and take in the quiet beauty of nature.
Kim’s style developed naturally without a lot of formal training, and only later in her career did she find her kin in the Tonalists, who created landscape forms with muted, often dark colors and emphasizing ambiance. Through composition and technique, Kim strives for an aesthetically pleasing portrayal. She picked pastels in 1988 and since then, they continue to be her medium of choice, having an immediacy of workability and a soft, impressionistic effect of a scene in the manner in which we see, as a whole, and not down to every detail.
Kim Phillips